Damascus mapping, in preparation for a visit, as it was, 2009We imagine post Sykes-Picot reconciliation & regional community renewal

Damascus mapping, in preparation for a visit, as it was, 2009

We imagine post Sykes-Picot reconciliation & regional community renewal

Paul Fineberg

Qualifications & Memberships:

M. Arch, Princeton University, USA.  Dipl. Arch, The Bartlett, University College London (UCL).  BA (Hons), Kingston Polytechnic. RIBA Part 3 Certificate in Management & Professional Practice, The Bartlett (UCL).  Registered Architect ARB. SPAB. CBRL.

Paul trained at Kingston Polytechnic, The Bartlett, University College London and at Princeton University, USA, where he gained his Master's degree in Architecture in 1994 with a fellowship, studying under Liz Diller, Tony Vidler, Mark Wigley and Alessandra Ponte.

In New York, he worked with Bonnie Roche Architects on public sector research for the New York City Schools Construction Authority, on immigration responsive schools installed in disused industrial loft buildings. He also worked with Lawrence Kenny - who had studied at IIT and worked under Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig Hilbersheimer, Myron Goldsmith and Fazlur Khan - on residential projects for broadcasting, music and art-world clients. In 1997, Paul returned to London and joined international practice, Gensler, to work on large scale economic development projects, including the 70-hectare Delft Technopolis master plan in the Netherlands.

Paul later worked with Fred Koetter (author of Collage City with Colin Rowe) from 2002 to 2004, to focus his interest on UK regeneration projects. Clients included the Yorkshire Forward Regional Development Agency, for which he helped develop projects in Wakefield, Pontefract and Castleford as well as the former Frickley Colliery site, Yorkshire, for English Partnerships’ Coalfield Regeneration Programme.

Paul rejoined Gensler's planning and landscape group to pursue his interest in large scale public planning work. He led client liaison, research, concept design and production of projects including; a 450 hectare extension of St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, west onto land claimed from the Gulf of Finland, a plan for the reconstruction of The Black City, in Baku, Azerbaijan, as well as plans for a city extension in Oman, based around sustainable saltwater farming of salicornia, mangrove and aquaculture for bio-jet fuel and other production. Paul produced a sustainability plan for the re-use of Bentley Priory, a grade II* listed Sir John Soane house --from where the Battle of Britain was commanded in 1940-- historic landscape gardens, and a cold war era nuclear command bunker, Stanmore Hill, London. Paul led research and initial concept development, joined later by Simon Dickens, to co-develop and produce the design for a prestigious education and culture complex in Doha, Qatar, for the Emir's Private Engineering Office (PEO); The Arab Centre for Research and Policy Studies, --the “premier barometer of the region”, according to Prof. Aziz Al-Azmeh, in a recent talk at The London School of Economics entitled, Freethinking, Secularism and the Arab Spring--  for complex Director, Dr. Azmi Bishara. Later, in summer 2013, the PEO invited preparation of designs for a new Palace complex on a 53 hectare centre city site, for HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

Paul led research and worked on concept development and design duties with Simon Dickens for a new London airport located in the Thames estuary. He also led research and collaborated on concept development and design work on large master plans for Bishopsgate Goods Yard, for the London Borough of Hackney, Maidenhead housing extension, for the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, Nagatino Island, Moscow, the Royal Docks, London, Birmingham Central Markets and a strategy for new cities in the Thames Estuary region.

Paul is a Visiting Professor at the IE School of Management, Madrid. He has been a visiting critic at The Bartlett, UCL, NYIT, IIT Chicago, and South Bank University. He gives occasional talks and lectures on architecture, planning and design.

Pro bono work: ClientEarth, London

Simon Dickens

Qualifications & Memberships: 

MA (RCA) Royal College of Art.  BA (Hons) First Class from Portsmouth University.  RIBA Part 3 Certificate in Management & Professional Practice, South Bank University.  Registered Architect ARB

Simon attended Portsmouth University and later, the Royal College of Art, London, where he worked in collaboration with designers across the departmental spectrum of the college. He was awarded a post-graduate Diploma in Architecture. Simon worked with Team Zoo in Japan in 1991 where his appreciation of general project dynamics, including user demands, the site situation and surrounding environment was enriched by the respect for resources and the rigour of approach demonstrated in Japanese culture. Japan provided the opportunity to experiment with the combination of traditional materials such as mud and bamboo together with modern materials to form contemporary structures.

Simon worked for six years at Grimshaw Architects, on a number of high profile projects including Zurich Airport and the stadium at Lords cricket ground, London. He was the concept architect for Bath Spa, an award winning contemporary building at the core of the City's UNESCO protected World Heritage site. Simon was the project architect for the Rolls Royce factory, located in the Surrey Countryside, conceived poetically in form, to bridge industrial process and its context in the picturesque landscape of historic grade I listed Goodwood House. He later joined Gensler Architects as an Associate where he developed a strong interest in school design. He led collaboration with specialist consultants on designs that anticipate evolving learning and educational practice.

Simon co-founded Youmeheshe in 2005, shortly after which Sir Nicholas Grimshaw invited Youmeheshe in Association with Grimshaw, to lead the design for the conservation and re-presenation of the historic clipper sail ship, Cutty Sark, at Greenwich. Cutty Sark now lies prominently at the Thames river edge, an historic national icon that forms part of the landmark Greenwich complex, together with the Queen's House, National Maritime Museum and Royal Observatory World Heritage site. Other projects followed, including invitations from the Victoria and Albert Museum to develop exhibition design, and the Norwegian City, Stavanger, to develop low cost housing to help celebrate their European City of Culture status. 

Simon worked later as consultant to Gensler, to pursue his interest in large scale public projects; including developing early concepts for the Thames River Park that would bring Londoners close to the Thames river on floating platforms built in UK shipyards. He developed a visitor strategy that would allow access and enjoyment of the river's tidal movement, ambient sound, smell of open sea, reed beds and wildlife; a discrete natural environment from which to contemplate views of a great international port city. He collaborated on concept design development and production of the design for a prestigious education and culture complex in Doha, Qatar, for the Emir's Private Engineering Office (PEO); The Arab Centre for Research and Policy Studies, for complex Director, Dr. Azmi Bishara. In summer 2013, the PEO invited preparation of designs for a new Palace complex on a 53 hectare centre city site, for HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

Simon shared conceptual development and design duties on revolutionary plans for a new London airport located in the Thames estuary. He also led collaborative design work on large master plans for Nagatino Island, Moscow, the Royal Docks, London and for Birmingham Central Markets.

Simon built his family home in Asilah, Morocco. Simon works with Arts Festival Group in developing the cultural life of Asilah, Morocco. He is currently advising the Municipality on future projects and cultural development.

Simon leads Unit 10 within The Bartlett School of Architecture's MArch Architecture course, together with Professor CJ Lim.